Thursday, 26 May 2011


This poem was presented to me in two parts with an instruction from Muse to put them together as one; I only have a faint awareness of what it is about so will not be trying to explore the meanings, I just present it to you here.

Carnival - 25 May 11

Evening shatters daylight glimmers
Carries the fragments
To the stars
Shadows remain
Come out to play
Where once did day
Upon the waves
Skip lightly
Carnival of stones
Watchers dreaming
On the shore
While fiddlers annoy
The hermit
In the dark

I can see some of the references but really cannot say what it all means. Muse sometimes plays games with my mind - I don't mind if something interesting comes out of it.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. this is unlike anything of yours that i can recall. we don't always have to know the full meaning, do we?

    "Evening shatters daylight glimmers
    Carries the fragments
    To the stars"


  2. as cloud people
    watch the reflections
    they cast
    upon the earth
    in pools of water
    at night
    they talk
    as they float
    hiding and seek
    with the stars

  3. Hello dani ♥ I think that authors are "supposed" to have an understanding of what they wrote - obviously I am mistaken ☺
    Thank you for your lovely comments ♥

  4. Hello June ♥
    Whispers in the night
    games played - starlight moon dancing
    resting only at dawn
    Thank you for your beautiful comment ♥
