Thursday 17 July 2014

Cut Price Love Song

The first line shouted to be written with the intentional error in the middle because it set the tone for the whole poem.  Then the other “errors” crept in and it grew further.

Cut Price Love Song  -  08 Jul 14

Sing a song for sixpence
Pocket full of lies
The four and twenty
Blackbirds flew away
Before the start of day
The flowers you gave
Have wilted in my hand
The sweet Love song
I hoped for has turned sour

So, not really a Love song at all but one of the broken dreams.


  1. i think i need to have the "errors" pointed out to me ~ i'm not familiar with the song(s) you are referencing....

    1. The references are to the nursery rhyme which starts,

      "Sing a song of sixpence
      A pocket full of rye"

      The four and twenty blackbirds were baked in a pie ~ when the pie was opened the birds began to sing and it was deemed,

      "Wasn't that a dainty dish
      To set before the King?"

      Hope this is a good a sufficiently clear explanation dani ♥

  2. it is indeed, Ainsley. thank you! even without the nursery rhyme, the poem stands on its own as (in your words) one of broken dreams.

    1. A pleasure to assist you dani ♥

      I Love your comment dani ♥ because you see where this is coming from and whence it goes.
