Sunday 3 August 2014

Secret Message

The secret messages only heard by the two who are singing a Love song.

Secret Message  -  27 Jul 14

No one else knew
We talked to each other
Voices kept low
Not a whisper
Silence was louder
In our Hearts
We heard the thoughts
Felt the energy
In the secret message
Three words were clear
I Love you

Another Love song ~ they just seem to want to form.


  1. the words 'i love you' don't need to be said out loud, do they? two people can just look into one another's eyes and see the love pouring forth. and hearts and souls need no words to communicate love either. beautifully written, Ainsley.

    1. I can add nothing to your comment dani ♥
      You have said all that really matters ~ thank you dani ♥
