Born in the very early hours of the night as I looked out of my window while preparing for bed. It continued to grow through the day till it was mature enough to be posted to Muse.
Realities of the Night - 26 Jun 12
Low-flying cloudPaints the nightWith shades of greyWraps street lampsIn filigree dampCloaks the treesWith diamante robesWolf howlBaying to an imagined MoonStartled PeacocksRuffled feathersShaking their secret eyesSeeing into other worldsAwaiting sunriseSilence of the mistsHides the callsWhispered wordsMuttered incantationsCallingMidnight Amethysts toBurn bright
I find it very interesting how a random insertion into my sight and thoughts can deliver surreal imagery to be included in a poem ~ thank you Muse.