Friday, 30 November 2018

Touching In Firelight

Lovely thoughts.

Touching In Firelight    -    26 Nov 18

Almost a dream
She looked at me
Unlike a dream
Her touch was real
We were touching
In the warmth
Of the firelight
The fires warmed us
As we held each other
Closer closer
Touching in firelight

Happy sigh.


Thursday, 29 November 2018

Across The Plain

Distant colours.

Across The Plain    -    25 Nov 18

In the distance
Mountains rise to touch
The sky
Across the plain
Wrapped in the
Purple mists

Distance always gives a hint of mystery.


Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Dolphin Dreams

Swimming with you.

Dolphin Dreams    -    24 Nov 18

Gentle moves
Leisurely drifting
Fill my thoughts
The dolphin
Dreams of you

Always dreaming of YOU.


Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Gentle thoughts fill my mind.

Resting    -    23 Nov 18

Letting the day
Drift into evening
Comforting memories
Flow through my thoughts
As I slip into reverie
Time shared with you
Resting gently in my mind

Lovely thoughts always.


Sunday, 25 November 2018

Wind And Rain

It has been rather moist here recently.

Wind And Rain    -    22 Nov 18

Too much I see them
In the world
Now I am wet and
As I walk
I would rather be
At home watching
The wind and rain
From the comfort
Of a warm room

Comfort is good.


Saturday, 24 November 2018


Dreams by the fireside.

Warming    -    21 Nov 18

By the fireside
Dreaming of the sun
In the night I see
The images of
Another world
Suns warming me
Gently and keeping
The illusion of the dream

I really like these dreams.


Friday, 23 November 2018

Watching For You

Written for that someone really special.

Watching For You    -    20 Nov 18

In my mind and in my life
I am always looking
Watching for you
Because my thoughts
Are always wrapped
In you and holding
Onto the feelings
You give me
I am always
Watching and waiting
I can feel you
With me in my Heart

You really know who you are.


Thursday, 22 November 2018

Whether Weather

Another weather observation.

Whether Weather    -    12 Nov 18

Whither does the
Church steeple cock
Whether to directions
The weather comes
To ruffle the feathers
Of man and beast

Feathers are a relatively common thing.


Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Sometimes a sketch can give more information than a full image.

Sketches    -    16 Nov 18

Hints of images
Suggestions of form
Shapes in the hinterland
Of perception
Where sketches become
A strange reality
Surreal is real
Taken further into
The depths of mind
Going deeper
To meet the sketches

Reality is just a sketch.


Tuesday, 20 November 2018


A rather dark observation today.

Sunlight    -    15 Nov 18

Mostly missing from my life
At the moment
Clouds hide the sky
Robbing me of blue and gold
I want sunlight back
To brighten my life

There have been too many clouds recently.


Monday, 19 November 2018

Sound Carries

So many ways to listen.

Sound Carries    -    14 Nov 18

Whispers on the wind
Your voice comes to me
Sound carries further
Than anyone knows

I hear your voice
Echoes in the wind
Soft voice in the rustle
Of the leaves in the night

Whispers beside me
Tell me what you want to say
I listen to your voice
I am in Love again

Always In Love with you, YOU know who I am talking about.


Sunday, 18 November 2018


Travelling through time.

Days   -   13 Nov 18

Short or long
Always an interesting
Journey from now to when
Days are a roadmap
To mark where we have been
Where we are going
Read the days well

Helping us to plan the journey.


Saturday, 17 November 2018

Whether Weather

Another of the observations, even though the church does not have a steeple I can watch a flag in another place.

Whether Weather    -    12 Nov 18

Whither does the
Church steeple cock
Whether to directions
The weather comes
To ruffle the feathers
Of man and beast

This is more of an observation of the effects of the wind.


Friday, 16 November 2018


Observations on the world.

. Twists    -    11 Nov 18

Turns through the hours
To shape new things
Feelings of change
Through the way
The twists manifest

Also inspired by looking at a bowl of pasta which will made in the form of spirals.


Thursday, 15 November 2018

Wishing You

Wishing for someone really special.

Wishing You   -   11 Nov 18

In the dark and gloomy days
It would be good to have
Wishing you were there
With me
To hold
The darkness back
Light the day and
Fire the night with Love

Someone REALLY special.


Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Rain Clouds

Quite a lot of those here recently.

Rain Clouds    -   09 Nov 18

Hanging over the landscape
A tired weather cape
Does not protect from the rain
Clouds bring more
Fields vanish into the drizzle
The rain clouds rule the land

Waiting for dry days to return.


Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Dreaming The Rain

Another modern Haiku today.

Dreaming The Rain    -    08 Nov 18

I wish I was
Dreaming the rain
Rather than standing in it

Maybe a scarecrow's lament.


Monday, 12 November 2018


A little modern Haiku today.

Eternitys    -   07 Nov 18

Eternitys are
Not long enough for us to
Grow and explore we

Exploring we is good.


Sunday, 11 November 2018


Looking at things both old and new.

Places    -   06 Nov 18

Reaching from the fog
Of part recalled places
My mind wanders
From the once familiar
To the unknown
A land of strange images
I dream
Yet I am awake
Can I touch the places again
Or are they lost in the fog

Difficult to tell sometimes.



New directions to seek out places.

Unexpected    -    05 Nov 18

Little twists
In the flow of reality
Shake understanding
Into unexpected patterns
Bringing the view
Of where and when
We are
Into new focus

Seeing the vistas.


Saturday, 10 November 2018

Rain On The River

Thoughts on water.

Rain On The River    -    04 Nov 18

Water to water
Sky kissing the river
With drops of rain
Wandering to the sea
Rain on the river
Travelling together

The rain inspired this poem into being.


Thursday, 8 November 2018

Touching The Night

Feeling that very special fire.

Touching The Night    -    03 Nov 18

Sweet kisses by firelight
Warm flickering glow
You looked into my eyes
We were touching the night
Stars fired the sky
Guided by our Love
Through the forever
Of the night

The special person is YOU.



The way I feel.

Desire    -    02 Nov 18

Drive desire
To greater heights
Raising expectations
Realms realistically
Achievable to dreamers
Not to
Who never
Dream to higher
Levels of

I felt that creating a pattern with words would be an interesting way to explore a poem.


Tuesday, 6 November 2018


Interesting how things can shift unexpectedly.

Confuse    -    01 Nov 18

Moments when certainty
Seems to be unchangeable
Something happens
To confuse
Suddenly there is uncertainty
In every location
The unexpected rules

A little change in things around me.


Monday, 5 November 2018

Pressed Memories

Keeping the memories safe.

Pressed Memories    -   31 Oct 18

Pressed between the pages
Of an unread book
Memories dreams wishes
Thoughts of Love from the past
Resting for now
Hoping to bring them back to life
As time passes
The book placed under the pillow
To feed the dreams through
The night before going to sleep
To grow to fruition

Safe and watered with tears.


Sunday, 4 November 2018

Little Connections

Feeling the contact from someone really special.

Little Connections    -    30 Oct 18

Subtle touches
Feelings of connection
With someone
I deeply Love
Knowing that she
Is making the
Little connections
With me
At the same moment

Those simultaneous connections are so satisfying.


Saturday, 3 November 2018


Wondering when I will find it again.

Lost    -    29 Oct 18

Losing time
Losing days
Never certain where
They have gone
Blurred memory
Even the mind
Seems to be lost

This was valid on the 29th October and it is now on the 3rd November as I write this post.


Friday, 2 November 2018


Those Lovely thoughts.

Forever    -   28 Oct 18

Thoughts of you
Always held in my mind
You live in my Heart
Always together

YOU know who you are.


Thursday, 1 November 2018

Siren Song

The songs which lure.

Siren Song    27 Oct 18

Listening to the seductive words
Soft sweet music
Inviting me to join
With the siren song
They call so sweetly
How can I resist

So difficult.
