All about relationships.
Deeper - 25 Jul 18
Exploring relationships
We have come so far
We have so much
Further to go
Deeper to see
What more
The Multiverse
Has to offer
Exploring is always a good idea.
A place to allow some of my literary and other creative skills to emerge and evolve.
All about relationships.
Deeper - 25 Jul 18
Exploring relationships
We have come so far
We have so much
Further to go
Deeper to see
What more
The Multiverse
Has to offer
Exploring is always a good idea.
The feeling of peace which comes with the evening.
Evening Solace - 24 Jul 18
In the evening
Resting in the arms
Of the one I Love
Comfort in solace
Solace in comfort
The gentle touch of Love can bring great comfort.
Seasonal comparison as the year rotates.
Winds Of Winter - 23 Jul 18
In summer
Warm sunshine
Illuminates the Heart
Thoughts of Love
Grow and fill the world
But the tide
Is growing thin
And the
Winds of winter
Still blow
Can you feel the wind?
Feeling you everywhere and in all my dreams.
Dreamed You - 22 Jul 18
I have dreamed
Touched many places
Been where imagination
Is not a visitor
I have tasted you
In so many wonderful
Intoxicating ways
All I know is
Will never replace
The wonder of
Yes I am talking about YOU.
Listening and watching.
Echoes Of Evening - 21 Jul 18
In the eternal afternoon
Echoes of a blissful evening
Fill my thoughts
An evening yet to arrive
I stand and watch
As ripples from a stone
Into the stream of life
Spread across the surface
Evening is waiting
A slight hint of the surreal to add a little flavour.
Thoughts on the images I see.
Pictures On My Wall - 20 Jul 18
Watching me
Assessing my actions
Eyes looking deep
Into my Soul
The pictures
On my wall
Know me well
They have watched me
Have you ever felt that you have been watched by friends?
Looking, always looking.
Questing - 19 Jul 18
Looking for answers
Questing through
An unforgiving darkness
Wishing for a light
To guide
The answers are there.
Dark sensuous feelings.
In The Dark - 18 Jul 18
Gentle breathing
Warm on my cheek
Soft hands
Slide over me
I hold you
In the dark
Where only we
Can share
Our secret space
A Lovely way to share us with each other.
Being in one of those special places.
Wishing - 17 Jul 18
Above a secret well
Filled with hopes
Holding the hopes
Of a thousand people
For something more
Probably so much more than a thousand.
Little touches in the night.
Rain Kisses - 15 Jul 18
Awakened gently
By rain kisses
Across my skin
Soft touches
From the sky
To say hello
This is what happens when sleeping next to an open window.
That special Loving touch.
Secret Touch - 15 Jul 18
Nobody else knows
None have felt
Your touch
In the way I have
The secret touch
Of your Love
Such a wonderful feeling.
Open all your eyes.
With Other Eyes - 14 Jul 18
Close your eyes
See with other eyes
More there
That can be seen
With normal vision
Look around
See what is usually hidden.
Experiencing time.
Times To Explore - 13 Jul 18
The past passed
In half remembered
Whispered dream
The future waits
Wanting to play
Feeling excitement build
The present leads
To new places and
Times to explore
Let us go exploring.
Tasty treat, looking forward to the feast.
Remains Of The Day - 12 Jul 18
The remains
Of the day
As an appetiser
For the feast
Of tomorrow
Bon appétit.
This is how connections work. This poem is part of the "Five Thousand Miles" sequence.
Link - 11 Jul 18
Learning the connection
Between the worlds
How the link works
To hold people together
Even over
Five thousand miles
It works for us
A Lovely way to connect.
Just a hint of the new possibilities.
Awaking - 10 Jul 18
New dawn
Days forget
What was
What will be
Awaking in
Another world
Only possibilities
Ever exist
Examine the possibilities.
A slightly surreal set of images.
The Door - 09 Jul 18
Through an open door
In a blank wall
Dreamed of night
Escape into this world
Carrying the shadows
Of forgotten hopes
Soft shapes lurk
On the edge of vision
Blurring clarity
Candles cannot
Illuminate the image
The foetus dreams
Of otherwhere
The plains of unseen
Worlds where cracks
Widen into the chasm
Of your smile
The door awaits
Explore the chasm.
Feeling those Lovely moments.
Moments - 09 Jul 18
Those Lovely moments
Which go on forever
Wrapped in the silk
Of dream
More than dream
They hold our thoughts
And wishes
To grow and flourish
Those moments are always there.
A little present.
Bouquet Of Stars - 08 Jul 18
Gently bound
With a rainbow ribbon
I give you stars
A bouquet of beauty
Which will never
Rival you
The bouquet is for YOU.
A Love song for a very special person but can be read and understood by anyone.
Love Songs - 08 Jul 18
From another time
They call again
New ears listen
From an ancient Heart
Love flows again
Stronger now than ever
Can you hear the songs
They were always for you
Now I am singing them again
Are you listening?
A special Love song for a special person.
Hello - 07 Jul 18
In the moment
When Love says
All I see is you
The special person is YOU.
An actual event in my office.
Dancing Around Me - 06 July 18
Delicate wings
Carry them aloft
Dancing in the air
Weaving the air
Around me
A butterfly came into my office, a symbol of Transformation.
Absence of vision presents vision.
Dreams In The Day - 05 Jul 18
I close my eyes for a moment
Against the light
Of the day
Images flood into me
Showing times and places
Which call me
To be there with them
In their dreams
Interesting how images form.
A pause in the flow, caused by the unwanted events on my computer.
Hiatus - 05 Jul 18
Break in the flow
Interruptions from events
Beyond control
Hiatus forces thought
Journey paused
Thankfully it has passed and things are back to normal ~ whatever that is.
Inspired by some Lovely thoughts from a wonderful person.
Angel Caring - 03 Jul 18
Warmth of gentle wings
Around me
Assisting in so many ways
Assisting me to move through
Angel touches me
With thanks to that one special person ~ yes, YOU.
Travelling in strange ways.
Sliding - 02 Jul 18
Slipping between
Dimensions of reality
Tasting the essence
Of unreality
Drinking the wine
Of what might be
Sliding into the depths
Where the if can
Be experienced
In all the
Unexpected beauty
Just a hint of the surreal here.
An observation.
Darkness - 02 Jul 18
In an afternoon
Unexpected darkness
Cloud wraps the sun
Hiding his glory
Leaving a feeling
That night
Will soon fall
Days like these are not very welcome.
A new offering.
Beauty Within - 30 Jun 18
Within us all
Crystal sparks
Illuminate the
Beauty we hold
Can be seen
By anyone
Prepared to look
Beauty within
Just look.