Thursday, 31 May 2018

History [Acrostic]

An acrostic about one special person.

History [Acrostic]  -  27 May 18

Her special story
Is forever held
Sacrosanct in my Heart
Tethered with a Lover's knot
One cord to bind us both
Rewoven completely in
Your secret history

YOU know of whom I speak.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Memories Of You

This is how it can be known that the relationship is strong and valid.

Memories Of You  -  26 May 18

I remember
How and when we met

I remember
Our futures together

Memories of you
Stretch in all directions
Through every time

My memories are strong.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018


Watching the messages around me as I pass.

Path  -  25 May 18

Between worlds
I wander looking for
Often they sit
On the path
They wait for me

The messages are interesting.

Monday, 28 May 2018

Stars Call Me

Another Love song.

Stars Call Me  -  24 May 18

I look into
Your eyes
I hear the stars
They call my name
With your voice
The stars call me

For YOU.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Distant Sounds

In a city have you ever gone out into the night and just listened?

Distant Sounds  -  23 May 18

All the sounds
Which fill the world
Blend together
Subtle quiet hum
Pervades the night

The night is not silent.

Saturday, 26 May 2018


More than a poem, more a gentle warning.

Words  -  22 May 18

Beauty is in the eye
Of the beholder
Words are in the
Ears and minds
Of the listener

Meaning can often
Be lost
Or misinterpreted
Choose words carefully
To say what you mean
Be careful with words

Be very careful with how you use words.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Talking With You

This poem was inspired by an actual dream I had recently.

Talking With You  -  21 May 18

In my dream
You were with me
Flowed as we talked
Of times to come
Of things we shared
Talking with you
Is fulfilling

The conversation was intriguing.

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Memories of another reality.

Waves  -  20 May 18

Rising and falling
In rhythm with the tides
Riding the white horses
Through the waves
Feeling the flow

Realities often overlap.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

City Of Glass

A poem with an almost mythical feel.

City Of Glass  -  19 May 18

An ancient world
Cities still shine
Even though
No longer inhabited
The city of glass
Holds testament
To the people
That once built it
Their memory still lingers

I feel that I may have been there at some point.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Midnight Themes

Another music inspired poem.

Midnight Themes  -  18 May 18

Music flows through my mind
Colours flood my thoughts
Blending into a symphony
Of strange ideas
Themes born in midnight hours
As conscious minds
Dream the music

There is also a colour based concept.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Exploring Forgotten Memories

Memories act as hints to go in unexpected directions.

Exploring Forgotten Memories  -  17 May 18

Deep within my mind
Memories linger
Even though they do not surface
Occasionally I see something
Which triggers the hint
Of memory
Inviting me to start
Exploring the forgotten
Memories of other years

Will you accept the hints?

Sunday, 20 May 2018


Another in the "Five Thousand Miles" sequence.

Distance  -  16 May 18

Times and tides
Attempt to lay down
Measures of distance
How far something is
But even
Five thousand miles
Means nothing
To Love

A Love song.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Touch Of Love

A new HaikÅ« on the theme of Love.

Touch Of Love  -  15 May 18

I feel you touching
Gentle caresses always
Love shines through from you

I Love Love songs.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Looking Beneath

Inspired by the process of some serious tidying and clearing.

Looking Beneath  -  14 May 18

Exploring places I should know
Discovering things
Long forgotten
Not even a feint memory
When I am looking beneath
I discover them anew
The memory crawls back

Now that the process has begun I expect to find more old memories.

Thursday, 17 May 2018


Look at everything with wonder.

Discovering  -  13 May 18

Opening eyes
Ready to look
New places and things
Discovering a new way
To see
Use all your eyes
To really see

Remember to use ALL your eyes.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Ancient Eyes

Watching and dancing.

Ancieny Eyes  -  12 May 18

Through ancient eyes
I have watched
The dance of years

The dancers make me smile
Tears of joy
Often fill my eyes

Still join
The dance

Always watching and dancing.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Touch The Stars

Reaching out to the magic.

Touch The Stars  -  11 May 18

n the time when I first looked
Out into the night sky
I saw magic in the purple
Reaching out I grasped
The light
Held it close
I realised that I
Could touch the stars

It is waiting there for you.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Old Songs

This poem was birthed when I rediscovered a folk group I first saw and heard when I was in the final year of my school.

Old Songs  -  11 May 18

Brought back into daylight
Because a name was mentioned
Now the old songs
Play again in my mind
Fill my ears
The colours flow
As they did all those years ago

The group was Hunter Muskett and their first LP was titled 
"Every Time You Move"
Worth listening again.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

On The Verge

A set of linked modern HaikÅ« to form a stepping-off place.

On The Verge  -  10 May 18

A new day begins
Not in the way
That everyone expects

Dawn is not the start
Today Spirit is reborn
To lead a new awakening

On the verge
A call from the Multiverse
Invites us to join

I feel that this works.

Saturday, 12 May 2018


Always wondering what next, where next.

Wondering  -  09 May 18

Thoughts take me
To other worlds
Wondering where
They will take me next

What will I see?

Friday, 11 May 2018

Have You Seen

A way of seeing things a little differently.

Have You Seen  -  08 May 18

Morning opens
With little ceremony
Silent fanfare echoes
Across the hills
Have you seen the tears
Of dawn glittering
On the blades of grass

Just look.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Three Movements

Inspired by the concept of a concerto this poem was born.


An introduction
Looking for themes
Playing with ideas
Opening thoughts
In mind
Excited to feel it grow


Two voices
Forming something unexpected
Speaking together
To build anew


Soft gentle sounds
Fill the void

A concerto in word form.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

I Never Knew

Discovering special travel.

I Never Knew  -  06 May 18

The words we spoke
Took us into a new space
We shared ideas
To explore the worlds
I never knew how far
We could go

Travelling with YOU.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

New Ideas

We should all welcome new ideas.

New Ideas  -  05 May 18

Different ways
Of thinking create
New possibilities
Filling my mind
And my life
With ideas to
Take me forward

If not we face stagnation.

Monday, 7 May 2018

In Your Hand

Just the way I feel.

In Your Hand  -  04 May 18

You hold me tenderly
Filling me with your Love
I feel you constantly
Holding me
In your hand
Caressing my Heart
I feel your Love
Holding me
As I Love you

About YOU.

Sunday, 6 May 2018


A journey to share Love.

Changing  -  03 May 18

Billowing sails
Wind carries my thoughts
Through the ever changing sky
My ship speeds across the waves
To bring me to you

To be with YOU.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

The Sound Of Love

Another of the Lovely Lust songs.

The Sound O Love  -  30 Apr 18

Soft sweet sighs
Perfumed whispers
Kisses formed around
And closed eyes
The sound of Love
Is intensely

I Love contemplating these.

Friday, 4 May 2018


We all have those times.

Hunting  -  29 Ap 18

Something was missing
I looked in all
The usual places
Some of the unexpected ones
Despite hunting
It did not appear

When things seem to vanish.

Thursday, 3 May 2018


A short Love song which is almost a modern HaikÅ«.

Looking  -  28 Apr 18

In special places
I find you
Even when I am not looking

Sometimes small is good.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

I See You

A Lovely dream.

I See You  -  27 Apr 18

In dream as I walk
Over gently rolling hills
Between forest giants
Above the sea's slow swell
You walk with me
Clothed in Love's beauty
I see you

Probably the best dream.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Drifting Dreams

Always following my dreams.

Drifting Dreams  -  25 Apr 18

Drifting through
Random thoughts
Allowing them to show
Ideas and images
Taking me to places
Where I may
Follow my dreams

Best way to be on the journey.