Saturday 12 June 2010


Muse teased me slightly with a repeated phrase and asked that I fill in something to make the poem grow...this is what resulted in the early hours of today.

Question - 12 Jun 10

You asked me
From the shadows
Thrown by a single lamp
I could see you watching
To check my response

You asked me
The question...
You needed to know
The answer
Dared me to tell

You asked me
As you stared deep
Into my eyes
Trying to read
My mind

I answered
With the only word
I felt
Was necessary...

Your eyes softened
And smiled
And they kissed me
As you watched

Interesting how poems will grow from simple beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. reach and be seen
    see and be shown
    close your eyes and feel
    touch without your hands
    the wonders life offers

    written in the sky
    raining from our souls
    all that we wish for
    pours from it like gold

    nice illuminating of the dark my friend
