Sunday 17 March 2013

Haikū 79

A few more from the hand-written Haikū archives.

Devise  -  31 Jul 10

I'm working so hard
trying to devise a way
to bring you to me

Massage  -  31 Jul 10

Longing for your touch
Loving ... healing ... sensuous
whole body massage

Abandon  -  31 Jul 10

You, with abandon,
danced around me ~ bringing you
right into my life

Edge + Mountain + Post  -  31 Jul 10

In the mountain pass
a post-horn sounds ~ coach arrives
at "Edge Of Beyond"

Wonder  -  01 Aug 10

New worlds of wonder
just a step away from here
~ open mind  ... and go

There will be more ...

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. i especially love "Wonder" and "Abandon" and i love 'Edge of Beyond' in "Edge + Mountain + Post" ~ is that a reference to something?

    naughty, naughty "Massage" {smile}

    1. I remember seeing the name "Edge Of Beyond" somewhere many, many years ago and it seemed to fit this prompt.

      ... and what's wrong with a naughty whole body massage dani ♥
